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Greater Springfield Cricket

Grater Springfield Sports is embarking on a community first to establish the areas first Cricket Club in the 2017/2018 season. 

There has been a huge demand for cricket within our area and Greater Springfield Sports is prepared to make that vision a reality.

The vision started in 2015 when GSS connected with Queensland Cricket in order to begin shaping Greater Springfield Crickets program.

We begun with entry level in2Cricket & T20 Blast programs seeing huge numbers in our first year with over 120 kids attending our come and try night.  With this success, GSS has now progressed to running these programs for a second year,with the hope of continuing to increase awareness of cricket within our area and developing the areas first cricket club.


2017 saw Greater Springfield Sports gain approval to join the IWMCA

and begin Junior & Senior competition.  

If you would like to be a part of this fantastic opportunity whether in a

coaching, player, mentor or volunteer role please get in contact with

the club to discuss this fantastic initiative ! !


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